Mix 1

Mix 1

Are you our new player?

We're currently looking for new players that has the level to join Grøndal EVs best Mix team. 

After finishing 2nd in the Mix1-League and finishing 2nd at the Danish Championship Mix1 are looking for new players that can help us bring the trophies home! 

Get in contact with our coaches Rasmus and Anders by writing an e-mail to Anders at [email protected]

About Mix 1
Mix 1 have high hopes for this season, with two match teams competing in the top mix-league.

They practice twice a week, were attendance is expected. Mix 1 is a international team, with a base of danish players, therefore practices are always held in english. They have high morale and ensure fun in practice as well as outside of the court.

If you're interested in joining our club, send an e-mail to [email protected] for information about teams with open spots. Please state your level and which team you want to join.

Mix 1 er et hold for meget øvede og rutinerede spillere (m/k). Der er højt humør og en god portion fightervilje.

Holdet træner 2 gange ugentligt, hvor deltagelse forventes.

Mix 1 er et internationalt hold, med en stor base af danske spillere, alle træninger foregår derfor på engelsk.

I sæsonen 24/25 har Mix 1 to kamphold i Sjællands bedste mixrække.

Kontakt klubmailen ved interesse i at spille på holdet ([email protected])


18:00 - 20:00
Hillerødgadehallen, Sandbjerggade 35, 2200 København
15:00 - 18:00
Sandbjerggade 35, 2200 København
20:30 - 22:00
Bellahøjhal 2, Bellahøjvej 1, 2700 Vanløse
18:00 - 20:00
Hillerødgadehallen, Sandbjerggade 35, 2200 København

Grøndal vinder sølv til historiens første Mix-DM!

Lørdag d. 20. april var FVBK og Volleyball Danmark værter til historiens første Danmarksmesterskaber for Mix! 

Det blev afholdt i Midtfynsk Idrætscenter, hvor det lykkedes Mix1 at spille sig i finalen. Her ventede DTU, som desværre vandt knebent 2-1 og derefter kunne kåres som de første Danmarksmestre i Mix-Volley.

First slide
Mix 1
Mix 1 til Falkecup

Mix 1,1

Mix 1,2


Profile Image
Anders Holm
Profile Image
Rasmus Holle